File format

The basic organization of a wellmap file is as follows: first you specify a group of wells, then you specify the experimental parameters associated with those wells. For example, the following snippet specifies that well A1 has a concentration of 100:

conc = 100

The file format is based on TOML, so refer to the TOML documentation for a complete description of the basic syntax. Typically, square brackets (i.e. tables) are used to identify groups of wells and key/value pairs are used to set the experimental parameters for those wells. Note however that all of the following are equivalent:

conc = 100

A1.conc = 100

well.A1.conc = 100

Most of this document focuses on describing the various ways to succinctly specify different groups of wells, e.g. [row.A], [col.1], [block.WxH.A1], etc. There is no need to specify the size of the plate. The data frame returned by load() will contain a row for each well implied by the layout file.

Experimental parameters can be specified by setting any key associated with a well group (e.g. conc in the above examples) to a scalar value (e.g. string, integer, float, boolean, date, time, etc.). There are no restrictions on what these parameters can be named, although complex names (e.g. with spaces or punctuation) may need to be quoted. The data frame returned by load() will contain a column named for each parameter associated with any well in the layout. Not every well needs to have a value for every parameter; missing values will be represented in the data frame by nan.


Miscellaneous fields that affect how wellmap parses the file. This is the only section that does not describe the organization of any wells.


All paths specified in this section can either be absolute (if they begin with a ‘/’) or relative (if they don’t). Relative paths are considered relative to the directory containing the TOML file itself, regardless of what the current working directory is.


The path to the file containing the actual data for this layout. The path_guess argument of the load() function can be used to provide a default path when this option is not specified. If the layout includes multiple plates (i.e. if it has one or more [plate.NAME] sections), use meta.paths and not meta.path.


The paths to the files containing the actual data for each plate described in the layout. You can specify these paths either as a format string or a mapping:

  • Format string: The “{}” will be replaced with the name of the plate (e.g. “NAME” for [plate.NAME]):

    paths = 'path/to/file_{}.dat'
  • Mapping: Plate names (e.g. “NAME” for [plate.NAME]) are mapped to paths. This is more verbose, but more flexible than the format string approach:

    a = 'path/to/file_a.dat'
    b = 'path/to/file_b.dat'

If the layout doesn’t explicitly define any plates (i.e. if it has no [plate.NAME] sections), use meta.path and not meta.paths.


The paths to one or more files that should effectively be copied-and-pasted into this layout. This is useful for sharing common features between similar layouts, e.g. reusing a standard curve layout between multiple experiments, or even reusing entire layouts for replicates with different data paths. This setting can either be a string, a dictionary, or a list:

  • String: The path to a single layout file to include.

  • Dictionary: The path to a single layout file in include, with additional metadata. The dictionary can have the following keys:

    • path (string, required): The path to include.

    • shift (string, optional): Reposition all the wells in the included layout. This setting has the following syntax: <well> to <well>. For example, A1 to B2 would shift all wells down and to the right by one. Some caveats: the included file cannot use the [irow.A] or [icol.1] well groups (this restriction may be possible to remove, let me know if it causes you problems), wells cannot be shifted to negative row or column indices, and the shift will not apply to any files that are concatenated to the included file via meta.concat.

  • List: The paths to multiple layout files to include. Each item in the list can either be a string or a dictionary; both will be interpreted as described above. If multiple files define the same well groups, the later files will take precedence over the earlier ones.


The first layout describes a generic 10-fold serial dilution. The second layout expands on the first by specifying which sample is in each row. Note that the first layout could not be used on its own because it doesn’t specify any rows:

1.conc = 1e4
2.conc = 1e3
3.conc = 1e2
4.conc = 1e1
5.conc = 1e0
6.conc = 0
include = 'serial_dilution.toml'

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

The following layouts demonstrate the shift option. Note that both layouts specify the same 2x2 block, but the block from the included file is moved down and to the right in the final layout:

x = 2
path = 'shift_parent.toml'
shift = 'A1 to C3'

x = 1


The paths of one or more TOML files that should be loaded independently of this file and concatenated to the resulting data frame. This is useful for combining multiple independent experiments (e.g. replicates performed on different days) into a single layout for analysis. Unlike meta.include, the referenced paths have no effect on how this file is parsed, and are not themselves affected by anything in this file.

The paths can be specified either as a string, a list, or a dictionary. Use a string to load a single path and a list to load multiple paths. Use a dictionary to load multiple paths and to assign a unique plate name (its key in the dictionary) to each one. Assigning plate names in this manner is useful when concatenating multiple single-plate layouts (as in the example below), because it keeps the wells from different plates easy to distinguish. Note that the plate names specified via dictionary keys will override any plate names specified in the layouts themselves.


The first two layouts describe the same experiment with different samples. The third layout combines the first two for easier analysis.

sample = 'α'
sample = 'β'
X = 'expt_1.toml'
Y = 'expt_2.toml'


A message that should be printed to the terminal every time this file is loaded. For example, if something went wrong during the experiment that would affect how the data is interpreted, put that here to be reminded of that every time you look at the data.


Specify parameters that apply to every well in the layout, e.g. parameters that aren’t being varied. These parameters are important to record for two reasons that may not be immediately obvious. First, they contribute to the complete annotation of the experiment, which will make the experiment easier for others (including yourself, after a few months) to understand. Second, they make it easier to write reusable analysis scripts, because the scripts can rely on every layout specifying every relevant parameter, not only those parameters that are being varied.

Avoid using this section for metadata such as your name, the date, the name of the experiment, etc. While this kind of metadata does apply to every well, it doesn’t affect how the data will be analyzed. Including it here needlessly bloats the data frame returned by load(). It’s better to put this information in top-level key/value pairs (e.g. outside of any well group). Analysis scripts can still access this information using the extras argument to the load() function, but it will not clutter the data frame used for analysis.

Note that the wellmap command by default only displays experimental parameters that have at least two different values across the whole layout, which normally excludes [expt] parameters. To see such a parameter anyways, provide its name as one of the <attr> arguments.


This layout demonstrates the difference between [expt] parameters and metadata. All of the wells on this plate have the same sample, but the sample is relevant to the analysis and might vary in other layouts analyzed by the same script. In contrast, the name and date are just (useful) metadata.

name = "Kale Kundert"
date = 2020-05-26

sample = 'α'

# Without this, the plate wouldn't have any wells.


Specify parameters that differ between plates. Each plate must have a unique name, which will be included in the data frame returned by load(). The names can be any valid TOML key. In other words, almost any name is allowed, but complex names (e.g. with spaces or punctuation) may need to be quoted. Note that these names are also used in meta.paths to associate data with each plate.

Any parameters specified outside of a plate will apply to all plates. Any key/value pairs specified at the top-level of a plate will apply to the whole plate. Any well groups specified within a plate (e.g. [plate.NAME.row.A]) will only apply to that plate, and will take precedence over values specified in the same well groups (e.g. [row.A]) outside the plate. Refer to the Precedence rules for more information.


The following layout shows how to define parameters that apply to:

  • All plates (conc).

  • One specific plate (sample=α).

  • Part of one specific plate (sample=β,γ).

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

sample = 'γ'

conc = 0

conc = 100

# Without this, plate X wouldn't have any rows.


Specify parameters for all the wells in the given row (e.g. “A”). Rows must be specified as letters, either upper- or lower-case. If necessary, rows beyond “Z” can be specified with multiple letters (e.g. “AA”, “AB”, etc.). You can use the pattern syntax to specify multiple rows at once, e.g. [row.'A,C,E'] or [row.'A,C,...,G'].


The following layout specifies a different sample for each row:

A.sample = 'α'
B.sample = 'β'
C.sample = 'γ'
D.sample = 'δ'

# Indicate how many columns there are.

The following layout uses the pattern syntax to specify the same sample in multiple rows:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

# Indicate how many columns there are.


Specify parameters for all the wells in the given column (e.g. “1”). Columns must be specified using integer numbers, starting from 1. You can use the pattern syntax to specify multiple columns at once, e.g. [col.'1,3,5'] or [col.'1,3,...,7'].


The following layout specifies a different sample for each column:

1.sample = 'α'
2.sample = 'β'
3.sample = 'γ'
4.sample = 'δ'

# Indicate how many rows there are.

The following layout uses the pattern syntax to specify the same sample in multiple columns:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

# Indicate how many rows there are.


Similar to [row.A], but “interleaved” with the row above or below it. This layout is sometimes used for experiments that may be sensitive to neighbor effects or slight gradients across the plate.


The following layout interleaves samples between rows. Note that on the even columns, [irow.A] alternates “down” while [irow.B] alternates “up”. In this fashion, A interleaves with B, C interleaves with D, etc.

A.sample = 'α'
B.sample = 'β'
C.sample = 'γ'
D.sample = 'δ'

# Indicate how many columns there are.


Similar to [col.1], but “interleaved” with the column to the left or right of it. This layout is sometimes used for experiments that may be sensitive to neighbor effects or slight gradients across the plate.


The following layout interleaves samples between columns. Note that on the rows columns (i.e. B/D/H/F), [icol.1] alternates “right” while [icol.2] alternates “left”. In this fashion, 1 interleaves with 2, 3 interleaves with 4, etc.

1.sample = 'α'
2.sample = 'β'
3.sample = 'γ'
4.sample = 'δ'

# Indicate how many rows there are.


Specify parameters for a block of wells W columns wide, H rows tall, and with the given well (e.g. “A1”) in the top-left corner. You can use the pattern syntax to specify multiple blocks at once, e.g. [block.2x2.'A1,A5'] or [block.2x2.'A1,E5,...,E9'].


The following layout defines blocks of various sizes, each representing a different sample:

A1.sample = 'α'
A3.sample = 'β'

C1.sample = 'γ'
D1.sample = 'δ'

The following layout uses the pattern syntax to specify the same sample in multiple blocks:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'


Specify parameters for the given well (e.g. “A1”). You can use the pattern syntax specify multiple wells at once, e.g. [well.'A1,A3'] or [well.'A1,B3,...,C11'].


The following layout specifies samples for two individual wells:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

The following layout uses the pattern syntax to specify the same sample for multiple wells:

sample = 'α'

Pattern syntax

You can specify multiple indices for any row, column, block, or well. This can often help reduce redundancy, which in turn helps reduce the chance of mistakes. The following table shows some examples of this syntax:




A, B, C, D


A, C


A, B, C, F, G, H


A, C, E, G


1, 2, 3, 4


1, 3


1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9


1, 3, 5, 7


A1, A2, B1, B2


A1, A3


A1, A2, B1, B2, A5, A6, B5, B6


A1, A3, A5, C1, C3, C5, E1, E3, E5

There are three forms of this syntax. The first uses a hyphen to specify a range of positions for a single row, column, block, or well. The second uses commas to specify multiple arbitrary positions for the same. These two forms can be used together, if desired. Note that the comma syntax needs to be quoted, because TOML doesn’t allow unquoted keys to contain commas.

The third form uses ellipses to specify simple patterns. This requires exactly 4 comma-separated elements in exactly the following order: the first, second, and fourth must be valid indices, and the third must be an ellipsis (”…”). The first and fourth indices define the start and end of the pattern (inclusive). The offset between the first and second indices defines the step size. It must be possible to get from the start to the end in steps of the given size.

Note that for wells and blocks, the hyphen ranges and ellipsis patterns can propagate across both rows and columns. In the case of ellipsis patterns, the second index specifies the step size in both dimensions. Consider the A1,C3,...,E5 example from above: C3 is two rows and two columns away from A1, so this pattern specifies every odd well between A1 and E5.

Precedence rules

It is possible to specify multiple values for a single experimental parameter in a single well. The following layout, where [expt] and [well.A1] both specify different samples for the same well, shows a typical way for this to happen:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

In these situations, which value is used depends on which well group has higher “precedence”. Below is a list of each well group, in order from highest to lowest precedence. In general, well groups that are more “specific” have higher precedence:

  • [well]

  • [block]

    • If two blocks have different areas, the smaller one has higher precedence.

    • If two blocks have the same area, the one that appears later in the layout has higher precedence.

  • [row]

  • [col]

  • [irow]

  • [icol]

  • [expt]

[plate] groups do not have their own precedence. Instead, well groups used within [plate] groups have precedence a half-step higher than the same group used outside a plate. In other words, [plate.NAME.row.A] has higher precedence than [row], but lower precedence than [block].

The following layout is contrived, but visually demonstrates most of the precedence rules:


precedence = 'plate'

precedence = 'plate.row'

precedence = 'well'

precedence = 'block.2x2'

precedence = 'block.3x3'

precedence = 'row'

precedence = 'col'

precedence = 'expt'

# Specify how many wells to show.

Note that the order in which the well groups appear in the layout usually doesn’t matter. It only matters if there are two well groups with equal precedence, in which case the one that appears later will be given higher precedence. This situation only really comes up when using patterns. For example, note how earlier values are overridden by later values in the following layout:

sample = 'α'

sample = 'β'

sample = 'γ'