Command-line usageΒΆ

The wellmap package comes with a command-line tool (also called wellmap) that displays a visual representation of the plate layout described by a TOML file. This is meant to help catch mistakes, which can be easy to make in complex layouts.

For more information on this command and its options, run:

$ wellmap -h
Visualize the plate layout described by a wellmap TOML file.

    wellmap <toml> [<attr>...] [-o <path>] [-p] [-c <color>] [-f]

        TOML file describing the plate layout to display.  For a complete 
        description of the file format, refer to:

        The name(s) of one or more attributes from the above TOML file to 
        project onto the plate.  For example, if the TOML file contains 
        something equivalent to `well.A1.conc = 1`, then "conc" would be a 
        valid attribute.

        If no attributes are specified, the default is to display any 
        attributes that have at least two different values.  For complex 
        layouts, this may result in a figure too big to fit on the screen.
        The best solution for this is just to specify a smaller number of 
        attributes to focus on.

    -o --output PATH
        Output an image of the layout to the given path.  The file type is 
        inferred from the file extension.  If the path contains a dollar sign 
        (e.g. '$.svg'), the dollar sign will be replaced with the base name of 
        the <toml> path.

    -p --print
        Print a paper copy of the layout, e.g. to reference when setting up an 
        experiment.  The default printer for the system will be used.  To see 
        the current default printer, run: `lpstat -d`.  To change the default 
        printer, run: `lpoptions -d <printer name>`.  When printing, the 
        default color scheme is changed to 'dimgray'.  This can still be 
        overridden using the '--color' flag.

    -c --color NAME
        Use the given color scheme to illustrate which wells have which 
        properties.  The given NAME must be one of the color scheme names 
        understood by either `matplotlib` or `colorcet`.  See the links below 
        for the full list of supported colors, but some common choices are 
        given below.  The default is 'rainbow':

        rainbow:  blue, green, yellow, orange, red
        viridis:  purple, green, yellow
        plasma:   purple, red, yellow
        coolwarm: blue, red
        tab10:    blue, orange, green, red, purple, ...
        dimgray:  gray, black

        Matplotlib colors:

        Colorcet colors:

    -f --foreground
        Don't attempt to return the terminal to the user while the GUI runs.  
        This is meant to be used on systems where the program crashes if run in 
        the background.